

To prune oleander to encourage blooming, follow these steps:
  1. Prune in late summer or early fall, after the plant has finished blooming for the season. Avoid pruning too late in the fall, as fresh cuts can be vulnerable to winter damage.
  2. Cut stems back by about 1/3 to 1/2 of their height. For example, if you want a 4 foot tall plant, cut it back to 2 feet. This will stimulate new growth and branching for a bushier shape.
  3. Make cuts just above leaf nodes where three leaves emerge from one point on the stem. This will encourage new shoots to form.
  4. Remove any dead, damaged or wayward branches anytime throughout the year.
  5. Fertilize the plant after pruning with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to promote healthy new growth.
  6. Wear gloves and protective clothing when pruning, as all parts of the oleander plant are toxic.
  7. Dispose of pruned material carefully, as oleander cuttings are poisonous and should not be composted.
By pruning oleanders annually in late summer, cutting back stems by about a third, and removing dead wood, you can maintain a compact, well-shaped plant that will reward you with abundant blooms the following season.



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